
How To Create Worklet In Informatica With Example

Worklet Types in Informatica

Worklet and Types of Worklet

A Worklet is defined as a group of tasks. There are 2 types of worklets in Informatica. In this tutorial, we will see different types of Worklets with examples.

Reusable worklet

Non reusable worklet

Informatica Reusable Worklet

A Worklet which can be assigned to multiple work flow is known as reusable work. A reusable work let is created using work let designer tool. A work flow which contains a worklet is known as parent work flow. A work flow is the main program where as work let is the subroutine with in the main program.

Non Reusable Worklet in Informatica

A non reusable worklet is created using work flow designer tool.

Business process

A work flow contains 12 of tasks whether they are concurrent or sequential

During work flow designer they will develop naturally into a grouping of meaningfully related tasks run in the appropriate operational order.

A work flow can be simplified when it contains more tasks

Creation of reusable worklet


Open the client work flow manager

From tool menu select work let designer from work let menu select create

Enter the work let name WKT_ Sequential _ batch4pm

Click ok

From repository navigator window drop the session besides the work let in a sequential fassion

Make links between worklet and session tasks

From  repository menu click on save

Worklet Types in Informatica

Create work flow from work let sub folder drop the work let

Besides the work flow

Create a link between work flow and work let

Creation of Non Reusable Worklet

From tool menu select work flow designer

From workflow menus select create

Enter the work flows name W_ WKT _ concurrent _ batch process

Click ok

From task menu select create

Select the task type work let enter the name WKT _ concurrent – batch

Click on create and done

Make a link between workflow and work let

Select the non reusable work let right click on open work let

Drop the session beside the work let  in a concurrent fissions

Make links between work let and session

From repository menu click on save

Converting Non Reusable Worklet into a Reusable Worklet

[sociallocker id=14727]

Select the non reusable work let right click on edit

Select the check box make reusable click yes

Click apply and click ok


Scheduling WorkFlow

The scheduling is an administrative task that specific the date and time to run the work flow

A scheduling is a process of automate the work flow to run at given time

There are 2 type of schedulers

Reusable schedule

A scheduler which can be assigned to multiple work flows is known as reusable schedule.

Non reusable schedule

A scheduler which is created using work flow designer tool is known as non reusable schedule

A non reusable scheduler can be converted into reusable schedule

The following are 3rd party scheduler which can be used to schedule the work flows

Autosys[it is a product of computer associates]

Cron tab [it is a Unix based scheduler]

Control _ M



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Procedure of Creating Non Reusable Scheduler

From tools menu select work flow designer

From workflow menu select create

Enter the work flow name W _ daily_ load_schedule

Select the scheduler tab click on scheduler

Enter the scheduler name daily _load_ scheduler

Select the scheduler tab, from run options select run on integration

Service initialization

From schedule option select run once

Click apply and click ok, click ok

Drop the session besides the work flow in a sequential fashion

Define the link condition status = success

For in-depth understanding of Informatica click on

  • Informatica Tutorials & Interview Questions
  • Introduction to Informatica
  • Informatica Components
  • Flat Files in Informatica
  • Working with Tasks in Informatica
  • Informatica Concepts

How To Create Worklet In Informatica With Example


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